What Do You Learn From Festivals

India is often referred to as the land of the festival. Various festivals are celebrated all over the country throughout the year. There are different types of people based on religion, caste and cultural background in the country. Although there is so much diversity, these people live in a completely harmonious way. Being a secular country, India offers its citizens the freedom to practice any religion and culture as long as it does not create communal rancor. The festival is an occasion that brings out the best in Indians. During festivals, they all forget the hostility and open their arms to every visitor. These festivals are celebrated with much pomp and on most occasions, people from different communities join each other in moments of joy. Goddess Durga (or mother, known as 'Ma') was first documented in the epic Ramayana before Lord Rama fought Ravana. However, the tradition became dormant by the late 1500s, when landlords in Bengal took it over. It was finalized in the...